RTDNA Launches Interactive Cameras in the Courts Database


Cameras in the Courts

The Radio Television Digital News Association has launched an interactive, searchable database feature to our Cameras in the Courts guide that will make it easier for journalists and the public to find information about their First Amendment rights. 

View RTDNA’s interactive Cameras in the Courts guide

The interactive database allows users to filter and sort by location and policy to provide a more comprehensive view of the laws pertaining to cameras in courtrooms throughout the United States. Want to easily see which states still ban cameras in their courts? A simple search can pull all of those states in one table. 

Want to dive deeper? The updated guide can do that, too. The Cameras in the Courts guide now offers a more detailed view of the laws in each jurisdiction, along with links to specific laws, court standards and news articles about potential policy changes.

The RTDNA Cameras in the Courts State By State Guide is produced in cooperation with the Washington, D.C. law firm of Wiley Rein, LLP, and developed by RTDNA Counsel Kathleen Kirby, Partner Ari Meltzer, and summer associate Stephanie Rigizadeh. 

The data was completely revised in the summer of 2022 and is updated as laws and rules change. For questions regarding specific rules in your state, please follow the links provided in each state section. 

If you believe the rules in your state are being overlooked or incorrectly applied, RTDNA may be able to help. Please contact us if you need assistance.