The Leaders of Tomorrow: RTDNA’s Young Professional Retreat gathers some of the brightest young minds in broadcast and digital journalism who one day will lead this industry to new heights. This mountain retreat will bring together talented journalists, teach and train them to develop and grow leadership skills and challenge them to think critically about the future of the profession and how they can help move it forward.

Leaders of Tomorrow is designed to be an immersive, and shared, experience. From the moment you walk in until the moment you leave, the group will dine together, discover together, work together and learn together. Be prepared for moving conversations and challenging exercises that will help you think critically about your leadership skills, journalism and your place in it. When you leave, you will have a better understanding about how you can leave your mark on the journalism world — and a new team of peers who will help you for the rest of your career. 

The 2024 Leaders of Tomorrow retreat was held in May. We will update this page with our plans for 2025 as soon as we are able!

What Participants Had to Say About Their Experience

“RTDNA's Leaders of Tomorrow retreat was an honestly transformational experience. Before I attended, I just plain didn't know what I didn't know -- about effective leadership, being honest with yourself, how to communicate with different types of people in a healthy and productive way, the vital importance that building and maintaining strong relationships plays in building a successful team. It was eye opening, and I can't recommend the experience and the team at RTDNA that made the retreat happen enough.” - Tom Rickert, Assistant Brand Manager, KYW Newsradio, Philadelphia

“This is not your typical stuffy conference room seminar. This retreat is an opportunity to go in-depth on important topics facing the industry while getting to know fellow journalists in a fun, idyllic setting.” - Mary Davies, News Producer, NBC New York

"As someone who has served as a newsroom leader already for about five years, I was skeptical going into the retreat -- 'How much will I really learn here?' I got my answer early: A LOT. RTDNA developed a fantastic program that offered time for growth, introspection, and a whole lot of fun. Leaders of Tomorrow also connected me with more than a dozen people who were fascinating, funny, and quickly became friends. My only complaint is I wish it lasted longer!" - Lane Kimble

Program Components

group of people sharing

Starting With You: A Sensory Introduction

In lieu of a traditional opening icebreaker/reception, we will each share who we are by using one of our senses (sight, taste, hearing - your choice!) — whether that is a song, a taste, a sip, a piece of art — anything that gives your peers a sliver of who you are in a way that others can experience.

Leadership Fundamentals: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

We’ll come together for some brainstorming around leadership fundamentals: what makes the best leaders (and the worst!), how to grow as a leader and everything in between. We’ll also talk through some personal areas of struggle and select topics from our pre-work to focus on over the weekend.

Discovering You as a Leader

This morning will be a deep-dive into learning more about yourself (and others) as a leader. We’ll explore some uncomfortable things about ourselves, learn how to better connect with others and find key areas where we need support from our teams.

someone working on papersBring It: Working the Issues

As a group, we’ll tackle our selected pre-work topics and have meaningful conversation around the greatest areas of need.

Mastermind Hot Seat

What if you had a group of really smart newsroom peers as a sounding board to help you talk out an opportunity, obstacle, or career vision you are experiencing? Tonight you will!

Bringing It Back

A final session, focused on reflections from the prior day and goal-setting as individuals to prioritize, focus and tackle growth once you get back in the newsroom.

Upcoming Program Dates

Stay tuned!

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