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Following reports of journalists being shut out of a bill signing event on May 6, 2021, RTDNA delivered a letter to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis...

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Today, Shelley sent the following letter underscoring its position that journalists should not be encumbered by the government as they serve the...

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By Vicki Bradley News Director, WTXL ABC27 Being a news director is a privilege. It’s also a position for many that wasn’t the...

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By Dan Shelley Executive Director – RTDNA I’ve been struck by a rock while covering a particularly gnarly strike at a steel...

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RTDNA has joined the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and more than 100 other press freedom and First Amendment groups urging the...

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During the past year, the job of seeking and reporting the truth became increasingly dangerous. Journalists were threatened, assaulted and arrested...

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By Dan Shelley RTDNA Executive Director I’ll never forget the first time I met Paul Davis. We were both attending a journalism conference in...

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How can you build trust with your audience when trust in the news media is at a historic low? One way is to improve how you manage corrections...

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The RIAS Berlin Commission, longtime RTDNF German-American journalist exchange partner, has announced the winners of its 2021 Media Awards. Among...

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It’s never been a more dangerous time to be a journalist in America. According to the U.S. Press Freedom Tracker, attacks on the media have...

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By Stephanie Bertini One year ago, I sat down to write about how the COVID-19 pandemic suddenly became the story and the focus of all our lives. It...

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By Lucia Starbuck KUNR Public Radio What is the best way to find out how the last year has affected high school students? Hear from them directly....

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