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Going to college is supposed to be a way to level the playing field, opening doors to new opportunities and new careers: nurse, accountant,...

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Summer’s here, schools are out, and seasonal work is heating up. Summer puns out of the way, many viewers may be looking for a summer job or...

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“Wow! $15 a month for unlimited talk, text and data.” Advertisement or news site headline? Sometimes, it’s hard to tell. But...

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Some stories are regular functions of the calendar, cropping up every year around the same time. By June we’re no longer talking taxes. But...

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Money. It can be complicated and a constant source of worry for many in your viewing audience. There’s also no shortage of sources of...

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It’s pretty typical: when couples combine their households, they divide up household duties and chores. One handles grocery shopping, the...

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Why should consumer reporters – or consumers, for that matter – care about the reorganization of a small government department most...

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After a seemingly endless winter, it’s finally spring – or, depending on where you are, more like summer. We’re again venturing...

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April is Financial Literacy Month, and we want to close out the month by sharing some of the top personal finance and consumer story ideas...

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A new report released by Fidelity Investments estimates how much retired couples will need for health care costs during retirement. It shows...

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By many, though certainly not all, measures, the U.S. economy is relatively strong. The effects of the 2007-2009 recession are fading. Interest...

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Headlines often don’t tell the whole story, or necessarily reflect what matters most to people in your local communities. Journalists,...

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