By Dori Zinn Student loan debt continues to be top of mind for many folks who are struggling to afford other opportunities. Right now, Americans...
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In partnership with the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE), Finance 411 is poised to help you find the tools and resources to help educate your audiences about personal finance. From home affordability to student loan repayment and everything in between, these resources will help you find new story ideas to localize within your community, tips and tricks for breaking down data and research for your audiences and examples of exceptional personal finance stories that have created meaningful impact for audiences.
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By Paddy Hirsch First, let’s define some terms: A mortgage is simply a financial industry word for a loan used to purchase all kinds of real...
Read PostBy Dori Zinn Lying to a significant other isn’t new. You might withhold information to make sure a surprise birthday party goes according to...
Read PostBy Molly McCluskey In an age of digital banking and emerging virtual currencies, automatic teller machines (ATM) seem an almost antiquated...
Read PostBy Dori Zinn Being well-off is one thing, but having financial well-being is completely different. Well-off signals that you have money to spend...
Read PostBy Molly McCluskey When Bruce McClary learned he was a victim of identity theft many years ago, he thought he had to deal with the fallout...
Read PostBy Paddy Hirsch Interest rates sound pretty dull, at first. But they are the seed from which all financial benefits and woes in the economy spring...
Read PostBy Michael Koretzky Student loans are confusing. Student loan forgiveness is worse. Once you understand that the federal government offers...
Read PostBy Paddy Hirsch The state of the economy is almost always a focal point for both Republicans and Democrats ahead of a presidential election, with...
Read PostWith one in seven Americans owed their share of nearly $30 billion dollars, finding funds can be as easy as checking a website.
Read PostThe Consumer Market dominates the US economy, accounting for roughly 70 percent of US gross domestic product (GDP). Reporters covering the economy...
Read PostFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Jan. 10, 2024) – The Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA) and the National Endowment for Financial...
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